Anda belum login :: 13 Mar 2025 10:18 WIB
ArtikelParenting Strains, Distress, and Family Paid Labor: A Modification of the Cost-of-Caring Hypothesis  
Oleh: Roxburgh, Susan
Jenis: Article from Bulletin/Magazine
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Family Issues vol. 26 no. 8 (Nov. 2005), page 1062-1081.
Topik: Parenting Strains; Distress; Paid Labor; Cost Of Caring
Fulltext: 1062.pdf (136.92KB)
Isi artikelParenting strains are an important dimension of the parenting experience with significant implications for well-being. The cost-of-caring hypothesis suggests that mothers will be more adversely affected by parenting strains. In light of mixed support for the cost-of-caring hypothesis, the author argues that other social contexts may play a role in modifying the effect of parenting strains on men and women. To test this proposal, the author examines whether family labor configurations modify the relationship between parenting strains and depression among parents. Results indicate that the association between parenting strains and depression is similar among dual-earner mothers and father, whereas among mothers working part-time, the association between depression and parenting strains is significantly greater in comparison to fathers in comparable families. These results reinforce the importance of the organization of family and paid labor for understandinghowparenting stressors influence the well-being of mothers and fathers.
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