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ArtikelDeterminant of response times in the semantic verification task  
Oleh: Pineau, Helene ; Larochelle, Serge
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Memory and Language (Full Text) vol. 33 no. 6 (Dec. 1994), page 796-823.
Fulltext: 33_06_Larochelle_Pineau.pdf (1.84MB)
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Isi artikelMultiple regression techniques were used to investigate the contribution of various factors to within and cross-category variations in the response times (RTs) obtained in a semantic verification task. Results showed the two most important factors to be typicality and familiarity. Typicality was found to have a significant unique within-category effect on positive RTs, but no effect on negative RTs. In contrast, familiarity had a significant unique effect on negative RTS but no within-category effect on positive RTs. However, familiarity was the most systematic predictor of cross-category variations in both positive and negative RTs. The only other factor with a significant predictive role was category dominance but, in contrast to typicality and familiarity, the dominance effects were limited to a specific presentation order of the instance and category names, and thus appeared to be strategybased. The results are generally compatible with a probabilistic view of concept representation. @ 1994 Academic Press. Inc.
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