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ArtikelThe Multi-Item Randomized Response Technique  
Oleh: Himmelfarb, Samuel
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Sociological Methods & Research (SMR) vol. 36 no. 04 (May 2008), page 495-514.
Topik: Randomized Response; Social Desirability; Sensitive Topics; Date Rape
Fulltext: SMR vol.36 no.4 p.495 May 2008_win.pdf (185.55KB)
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Isi artikelThe randomized response technique (RRT) attempts to reduce social desirability bias in self-reports by creating a probabilistic relationship between the response given and the question posed. The multi-item RRT extends the RRT procedure to scales composed of multiple items. The multi-item RRT reduces the added variability contributed by the procedure and affords more accurate estimates of parameters than does a single-item RRT. Formulas are presented for correcting the mean, standard deviation, and correlation coefficient for the procedure. Data are presented from a study (Jarman 1996) of male date rape to illustrate the application of the multi-item RRT. Those data show higher reports of rape-supportive attitudes, beliefs, and sexual aggression under RRT conditions.
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