Anda belum login :: 04 Dec 2024 01:59 WIB
ArtikelThe french resistance.  
Oleh: Graff, James
Jenis: Article from Bulletin/Magazine
Dalam koleksi: Time Magazine vol. 167 no. 10 (Mar. 2006), page 32.
Topik: Avian Flu; France; Chicken;
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Isi artikelRaising ducks and chickens in the fresh air is a rooted way of life in the Landes region of southwestern France, where foie gras is the highest expression of both culinary excellence and regional identity. The Laffitte family has been in the poultry trade for the better part of a century, and neither chicken farmer Michel, 50, nor his duck-raising nephew Stephane, 32, is about to accept that the avian flu virus could augur the end of a tradition.
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