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JurnalBritish Journal of Educational Psychology vol. 62 no. 03 (Nov. 1992)
Topik: B13; Psychology Educational; Psikologi Pendidikan; Psychology
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0007-0998    Year:: 1992    Bulan: 11    Edisi: tdk ada no induk    
Penerbit: The British Psychological Society
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal British Journal of Educational Psychology]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Student Progress in Distance Education: Identification of Explanatory Constructs, halaman 285
  2. A Study of Two "Quick-and-Easy" Methods of Assessing Individual Differences in Student Learning, halaman 299
  3. Children's Achievement Goals and Beliefs about Success in Sport, halaman 313
  4. The Use of Open Group Discussions in Marketing Library Services to Young Adults, halaman 324
  5. Some Observations on the Figure Drawings of Clumsy Children, halaman 341
  6. Re-Examining Repeated Testing and Teacher effects in a Remedial Mathematics Course, halaman 356
  7. Social and Academic Treatments in Mixed-Ethnic Classes and Change in Student Self-Concept, halaman 364
  8. Handwriting and Spelling: Dyslexic Children's Abilities Compared with Children of the same Chronological Age and Younger Children of the Same Spelling Level, halaman 375
  9. Season of Birth and School Attendance, halaman 391
  10. Special Needs and the Distribution of Attainment in the National Curriculum, halaman 397
  11. Head Injured Children and Education: A Need for Greater Delineation and Understanding, halaman 404
  12. Some Normative Data on the Bender Gestalt Test Performance of Iranian Children, halaman 410

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