Anda belum login :: 11 Mar 2025 11:55 WIB
ArtikelPerspective shifts and a theoretical model relating to kaigaishijo and kikokushijo, or third culture kids in a Japanese context  
Oleh: Fry, Rieko
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Research in International Education vol. 6 no. 2 (Aug. 2007), page 131-150.
Topik: acculturation; biculturalism; bilingualism; kaigaishijo; kikokushijo; perspective shifts
Fulltext: 131.pdf (263.87KB)
Isi artikelThis article examines the various claims made about sojourn children known as kaigaishijo and kikokushijo, or third culture kids (TCKs) in a Japanese context. Their image has shifted from educationally disadvantaged to internationally minded children with bilingual and bicultural abilities who can thrive in the era of globalization. The article also considers and further develops the multidimensional theoretical model originally proposed by Ebuchi to reflect more closely the sojourner and TCK lifestyles, on which empirical studies could be based.
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