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JurnalPhilosophy & Social Criticism vol. 30 no. 1 (Jan. 2004)
Bahasa: (EN )    Year:: 2004    Bulan: Januari    Edisi: Jan 2004    
Penerbit: SAGE Publications
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Philosophy & Social Criticism]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Alessandro Ferrara’s Theory of Authenticity, halaman 5–9
  2. Considerations on Alessandro Ferrara’s Reflective Authenticity, halaman 11–15
  3. The Relation of Authenticity to Normativity: A Response to Larmore and Honneth, halaman 17–24
  4. Is the Mirror Racist?: Interrogating the Space of Whiteness, halaman 25–50
  5. Agency and Institutional Rationality: Foucault’s Critique of Normativity, halaman 51–71
  6. Farewell to Justification: Habermas, Human Rights, and Universalist Morality, halaman 73–96
  7. Judging Justice: The Strange Responsibility of Deconstruction, halaman 97–114
  8. Freedom, Responsibility, and the ‘American Foucault’, halaman 115–126
  9. Review Essay: Alessandro Ferrara’s Reflective Authenticity: Rethinking the Project of Modernity, halaman 127–134

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