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ArtikelScientist & Thinkers  
Oleh: Lovell, James
Jenis: Article from Bulletin/Magazine
Dalam koleksi: Time Magazine vol. 165 no. 15 (Apr. 2005), page 76-83.
Topik: Scientist; Thinkers; Burt Rutan; Malcom Gladwell; Larry Summers; Mitchel Baker; Robert Klein; Lee Kuan Yiew; Rick Warren; Karl Rove; Richard Pound; Jeffrey Sachs; Sanjay Gupta; Brian Atwater; Peter Singer
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Isi artikelBurt Rutan : Space is a lot of things it isn't democratic. Fewer than 500 people have orbited Earth. I am one of journey to the moon, a number that hasn't changed in 33 years. When someone figures out a way to open up a frontier that has long been closed, we have truly turned a technological page. That person is Burt Rutan, 61, designer of Space ShipOne, the first successful private sapcecraft.
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