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ArtikelMonkseaton Community High School A School for The Future?  
Oleh: Wrigley, Terry
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Improving School vol. 4 no. 2 (Jan. 2001), page 3-6.
Topik: The ’Pyramid’; Family eLearning; Open University
Fulltext: 3IS42.pdf (279.84KB)
Isi artikelMonkseaton has developed a national reputation for the use of ICT in teaching foreign languages. This article aims to set this in the context of wider initiatives at the school, and to learn about an approach to school development. Monkseaton is a neighbourhood comprehensive school serving Whitley Bay in North Tyneside. It serves a mixed population, but has an above average proportion of children entitled to free meals. The area has no particular educational advantages, and the school was traditionally in ’second place’ locally to the former grammar school.
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