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ArtikelPerbedaan persepsi pengecap rasa asin antara usia subur dan usia lanjut  
Oleh: Sunariani, Jenny ; Yuliati ; Aflah, Bestari
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - tidak terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi: Majalah Ilmu Faal Indonesia vol. 06 no. 03 (Jun. 2007), page 182.
Topik: aging; salty taste; perception
  • Perpustakaan FK
    • Nomor Panggil: M07.K
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Isi artikelAging decrease process happens in whole of organ structure, including taste organ. Aging means dynamic and complexity processes that caused of changes cells. In the hand there are some adults become decrease on there organ functions and metabolism activity, some other groups didn't become function decreasing during eldering. The aim of this research is to investigated the difference preception of salty taste perception between mature and aging female. This experiment is comparative study. The samples are consist of two grouips, each group have 10 samples. First group is fertile age (20-25 years) and the once is aging (60-75 years). The respondents are experimented at 7.00 am. We applied NaCl solution in consentration 0,025 M; 0,05 M; 0,075 M; 0,1 M; 0,125 M; 0,15 M; 0,175 M; 0,2 M, on border of anterior tongue, start from low consentration till perception salty taste. Samples analyzed by chi-square test and result a<0,05 and that conclusion in this experiment perception of salty on aging is more less than fertile age.
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