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ArtikelAdd Perspective to Spreadsheets  
Oleh: Lacher, John F.
Jenis: Article from Bulletin/Magazine
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Accountancy vol. 186 no. 6 (1998)
Topik: perspectives; perspective; spreadsheets
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: JJ85.7
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
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Isi artikelFor years most accountants functioned as information gatherers and financial historians. But today, with computers automating many of those tedious, manual jobs, CPA s are swiftly evolving into information analysts. The timing of this transformation is not any too soon: Because of the now ubiquitous personal computer, business managers are drowning in mountains of data and seeking ways to transform those raw numbers into business strategy. Although computers were quick to create the data avalanche, they lagged in ways to eliminate or at least shrinkit even though they were touted as number - crunchers. Spreadsheet software applications available before the early 1990 s, for example, lacked the industrial strength to perform the kind of analysis that database software could do with the click of a button. To effectively analyze huge blocks of financial information generally required teaming the spreadsheet with a database applicationa marriage of necessity that at the time was both clumsy and mismatched. The advent of the software suite in which several key applications from the same vendor work relatively seamlessly together made the marriage in some cases somewhat less disharmonious but still not very user - friendly to anyone with less than an expert knowledge of database software. Often the user had to turn to a database programmer to forge the complex links between the two applications. It wasn't until Excel version 5 came along in 1994 that a spreadsheet application could tackle such a project single - handedly. The solution was provided by a new function called a PivotTable, which does not only perform powerful data analysis but is easy to use. Without any special programming training, a CPA can execute some fancy financial spreadsheet analysis without turning to a database programmer for help or, in many cases, without even linking the spreadsheet to a database (see the sidebar The Competition Steams Up, below). This article focuses on Excel rather than its competitors because it contains a more powerful data analyzer than either Lotus 1 - 2 - 3 or Quattro Pro, and because Excel is a more widely used spreadsheet application. The article walks you through several examples that illustrate how the Pivot Table function can enhance an accountants work.
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