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ArtikelGeneral and Specific Predictors of Behavioral and Emotional Problems Among Adolescents  
Oleh: Windle, Michael ; Mason, W. ALex
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders vol. 12 no. 1 (2004), page 49-61.
Topik: Deliquency; negative affect
Fulltext: 49.pdf (381.09KB)
Isi artikelBased on a sample of 1,218 students in the 10th and 11th grades, 14 variables measuring behavioral and emotional problems were modeled as four factors via confirmatory factor analysis.The factors were labeled Polydrug Use,Delinquency, Negative Affect, and Academic Orientation. A similar four-factor structure was supported 1 year later, and a cross-lagged autoregressive structural equation model indicated high stability but also some significant cross-lagged predictions. For instance, higher levels of Delinquency at Wave 1 predicted higher levels of Wave 2 Polydrug Use and Negative Affect and lower levels of Academic Orientation. Significant predictors common to the four factors included stressful life events and family social support. Specific predictive relations were indicated for particular temperament attributes and specific problem factors (e.g., high Activity Level predicted Delinquency; Behavioral Inflexibility predicted Negative Affect), and for peer substance use variables and specific problem factors (e.g., Peer Drug Use predicted Polydrug Use).The findings are discussed with regard to the need to use research designs and statistical models that facilitate the evaluation of the generality and specificity of influences on behavioral and emotional problems during adolescence.
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