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JurnalResearch on Social Work Practice vol. 12 no. 2 (Mar. 2002)
Bahasa: (EN )    Year:: 2002    Bulan: Maret    Edisi: Mar 2002    
Penerbit: SAGE Publications
Jenis: Journal - e-Journal
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Research on Social Work Practice]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Meta-analysis of Interventions With Co-occurring Disorders of Severe Mental Illness and Substance Abuse: Implications for Social Work Practice, halaman 142-165
  2. Assessing the Effect of Family-Centered Out-of-Home Care on Reunification Outcomes, halaman 205-221
  3. School Attendance Demonstration Project: An Evaluation of a Program to Motivate Public Assistance Teens to Attend and Complete School in an Urban School District, halaman 222-237
  4. Couples Who Care: The Effectiveness of a Psychoeducational Group Intervention for HIV Serodiscordant Couples, halaman 238-252
  5. The Carolina Child Checklist of Risk and Protective Factors for Aggression, halaman 253-276
  6. The Lesbian Partner Abuse Scale, halaman 277-292
  7. Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory: Issues of Reliability and Validity, halaman 293-308
  8. The Campbell Collaboration , halaman 309-317
  9. The Institute for the Advancement of SocialWork Research: Strengthening SocialWork Research in Practice and Policy, halaman 318-337

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