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ArtikelWellman’s “Reductive” Justifications for Redistributive Policies That Favor Compatriots  
Oleh: Coons, Christian
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Ethics: An International Journal of Social Political and Legal Philosophy vol. 111 no. 4 (Jul. 2001), page 782-788.
Topik: Wellman’s Justifications; The Importance Of Marking
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    • Nomor Panggil: EE44.12
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
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Isi artikelIn “Relational Facts in Liberal Political Theory,” Christopher Weilman gives three “reductive” justifications for redistributive policies that favor compatriots over citizens of other states.’ His justifications are “reductive” in that they do not rely on a claim that the relationship among compatriots is of any “basic moral significance.” That is, hisjustifications for favoring compatriots over citizens in other states do not rely on a claim that we owe compatriots special obligations or considerations that cannot be grounded in a more fundamental moral principle. A central thesis of Wellman’s paper is that liberals have reason to hold that there are special obligations that obtain between compatriots without embracing the associativist position that the relationship between compatriots is of “basic” (i.e., nonreductive) moral significance. The role of Wellman’s justifications is to provide instances that attempt to prove the thesis.
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