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JurnalResearch on Social Work Practice vol. 9 no. 1 (Jan. 1999)
Bahasa: (EN )    Year:: 1999    Bulan: Januari    Edisi: Jan 1999    
Penerbit: SAGE Publications
Jenis: Journal - e-Journal
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Research on Social Work Practice]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Presidential Editorial, halaman 05-09
  2. The Effects of an Abstinence-Based Sex Education Program on Middle School Students’ Knowledge and Beliefs, halaman 10-24
  3. Treatment of Antisocial Behavior in Adolescent Inpatients: Behavioral Changes and Client Satisfaction, halaman 25-44
  4. The Homesickness and Contentment Scale: Developing a Culturally Sensitive Measure of Adjustment for Asians, halaman 45-60
  5. Assessment of Posttraumatic Symptoms in Children: Development and Preliminary Validation of Parent and Child Scales, halaman 61-75
  6. Exploring Ways to Retain First-Time Volunteer Blood Donors, halaman 76-85
  7. Scholarly Achievements of the Social Work Editorial Board and Consulting Editors: A Commentary, halaman 86-91
  8. Social Work Scholarship and Gatekeeping: Reflection on the Debate, halaman 92-95
  9. The Politics of Social Work Research , halaman 96-99
  10. Reviewers, Orthodoxy, and the Passion to Publish, halaman 100-103
  11. Academic Merit, Professional Needs, and SocialWork Education, halaman 104-107
  12. Shallow Science?, halaman 108-110
  13. Of Newsletters and Scholarly Journals, halaman 111-112
  14. Scholarship, Inclusiveness, and Social Work, halaman 113-114
  15. Ensuring Standards in Social Work Research, halaman 115-120
  16. Improving the Scholarly Quality of Social Work’s Editorial Board and Consulting Editors: A Professional Obligation, halaman 121-127

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