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JurnalApplied Linguistics (Full Text) vol. 27 no. 4 (Dec. 2006)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0142-6001    Year:: 2006    Bulan: 12    Edisi: Hard & Softcopy    
Penerbit: Oxford University Press
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Applied Linguistics (Full Text)]
  • Perpustakaan PKBB
    • Nomor Panggil: 405/APL/27
    • Non-tandon: tidak ada
    • Tandon: 1
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Language emergence: Implications for applied linguistics-introduction to the special issue, halaman 558-589
  2. The emergence of complexity, fluency, and accuracy in the oral and written production of five Chinese learners of English, halaman 590-619
  3. Emergent properties of multilingual lexicons, halaman 620-644
  4. The emergence of second language syntax: A case study of the acquisition of relative clause, halaman 645-670
  5. The emergence of metaphor in discourse, halaman 671-690
  6. Language origin from an emergentist perspective, halaman 691-716
  7. Language emergence: Implications for Applied Linguistics-A sociocultural perspective, halaman 717-728
  8. Emergentism-Use often and with care, halaman 729-740
  9. Lexical network structures and L2 vocabulary acquisition: The role of L1 lexical/conceptual knowledge, halaman 741-747
  10. Responding responsibly: Some remarks on Skutnabb-Kangas, kontra, and Phillipson (2006), halaman 748-753

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