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JurnalTheory, Culture & Society vol. 16 no. 4 (Agu. 1999)
Topik: Advertising; Audience Studies; Content Analysis; Film & Cinema; International & Development Communication; Journalism; Media Economics; Media Organization & Production; Media Policy; New Media & Communication Technology; Political Communication; Public Relations; Television & Radio; Ethnomethodology; Sociology; Culture; Society
Bahasa: (EN )    Year:: 1999    Bulan: Agustus    Edisi: Agu 1999    
Penerbit: SAGE Publications
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Theory, Culture & Society]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Living Dangerously with Bruno Latour in a Hybrid World, halaman 1-24
  2. Etiquette Books, Discourse and the Deployment of an Order of Things, halaman 25-48
  3. Negotiating as Emotion Management, halaman 49-73
  4. Politics and the Impossible: Beyond Psychoanalysis and Deconstruction, halaman 75-98
  5. Reflexive Modernization and Beyond: Knowledge and Value in the Politics of Environment and Technology, halaman 99-125
  6. 'New Music' between Search for Identity and Autopoiesis: Or, the 'Tragedy of Listening', halaman 127-135
  7. The Generic City, halaman 137-144
  8. Jean Baudrillard: 'Then We Too Shall See The Stars Fade Away', halaman 145-154

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