Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 10:23 WIB
BukuIdentifikasi markah mikrosatelit yang terpaut dengan sifat toleransi terhadap keracunan aluminium pada padi persilangan Dupa x ITA131
Author: Moeljopawiro, S. (Co-Author); Prasetiyono, Joko ; Tasliah (Co-Author)
Topik: rice; aluminum toxicity; microsatellite markers
Bahasa: (ID )    
Penerbit: Perhimpunan Bioteknologi Pertanian Indonesia     Tempat Terbit: Malang    Tahun Terbit: 2005    
Jenis: Papers/Makalah - pada seminar nasional
Fulltext: Makalah-Joko Prasetyo.pdf (103.26KB; 0 download)
Identification of microsatellite marker for tolerance to aluminum toxicity on rice
derived from Dupa x ITA131. Aluminum (Al) is one of major factors of abiotic
stress in acid soil. Microsatellite marker is one of new markers that has high potential
for plant breeding. It is reliable, effective, economic, and simple. To investigate
quantitative trait loci (QTL) position for aluminum toxicity tolerance trait in rice, 190
F2 intercross population, derived from a cross between an Al- tolerant rice variety
Dupa and an Al-sensitive variety ITA131, were planted in Yoshida culture solution.
Root length on stress solution (60 ppm AlCl3 ) as phenotypic parameter was measured
20 days after planting. Sixty six polymorphic microsatellite markers were amplified
on DNA of 94 randomly selected F2 plants and used to constuct map QTL. By
employing single markers analysis, five markers linked to QTL on chromosome
2,3,7 and 9 were identified (Pvalue<0.05), meanwhile by interval mapping analysis no
QTL were identified (all LOD value smaller than 3). Next Analysis on selected
chromosome still indicated low LOD. More primers and more samples were needed
to increase LOD on two selected chromosome (chromosome 2 and 7).
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