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Peran Kepercayaan pada Merek dan Kepuasan dalam Menjelaskan Loyalitas pada Merek (Studi Empirik Pada Konsumen Telepon Seluler)
Setyawan, Anton A.
Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - tidak terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi:
Manajemen Usahawan Indonesia vol. 37 no. 1 (Jan. 2008)
page 38-43.
Brand Loyalty
Brand Satisfaction
Brand Trust
Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
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Brand loyalty has become an important issue in marketing. There are many research has been conducted to examine this issue. Brand loyalty is part of relationship marketing. In the theory of relationship marketing, there is a strong correlation between brand loyalty, trust In a brand and commitment. This research analysestheeffectsof, brands isfactiontobrand loyalty,with trust in a brand as a mediating variable. This model use a model proposed by Lau and Lee (2000) and Ballester and Alleman (2001). Lau and Lee (2000) use this model to measure consumer’s loyalty in a low involvement product. This research uses a different setting. My setting is in a high involvement product, which is cellular phone consumer. This research uses non-random sampling methods (convenience sampling) in order to gain data.lcollect 1 50 respondent, but only 134 questionnaires are complete. After conduct an out layertestl have only 109 respondent left to analyze. To analyze the data, this research uses structural equation model (SEM). The result shows that brand satisfaction have significant effect to brand loyalty. While, the hypotheses that trust in brand is a mediating variable is support. The managerial implications of this research are, first, a company which produces a high involvement product must conduct an effective marketing communication withtheircostumer. Second, acompanyshouldincreasetheirservicesothat consumer’s will satisfies with their brand.
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