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JurnalThe International Journal of Robotics Research vol. 21 no. 5-6 (May 2002)
Topik: Civil Engineering; Environmental Engineering; Manufacturing Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; robotics
Bahasa: (EN )    Year:: 2002    Bulan: 05    Edisi: Softcopy    
Penerbit: SAGE Publications
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal The International Journal of Robotics Research]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Design and Control of a Chained Form Manipulator, halaman 389-408
  2. Design, Analysis and Control of a Wheeled Mobile Robot with a Nonholonomic Spherical CVT, halaman 409-426
  3. Dexterous Grippers: Putting Nonholonomy to Work for Fine Manipulation, halaman 427-442
  4. On Motion Planning for Robotic Manipulation with Permanent Rolling Contacts, halaman 443-461
  5. Rolling Based Manipulation under Neighborhood Equilibrium, halaman 463-474
  6. Rolling Manipulation with a Single Control, halaman 475-487
  7. On Fitted Stratified and Semi-Stratified Geometric Manipulation Planning with Fingertip Relocations, halaman 489-510
  8. Mechanism, Control and Design Methodology of the Nonholonomic Quasi-Omnidirectional Vehicle "ODV9", halaman 511-525
  9. Development of a Fault-Tolerant Omnidirectional Wheeled Mobile Robot Using Nonholonomic Constraints, halaman 527-539
  10. Human-Robot Cooperative Manipulation Using a Virtual Nonholonomic Constraint, halaman 541-553
  11. Controllability of Under-Actuated Planar Manipulators with One Unactuated Joint, halaman 555-561
  12. Nonholonomic Motion Planning for Coupled Planar Rigid Bodies with Passive Revolute Joints, halaman 563-574
  13. Trajectory Planning and Control for Planar Robots with Passive Last Joint, halaman 575-590
  14. Control of Micro-Satellite Orientation Using Bounded-Input, Fully-Reversed MEMS Actuators, halaman 591-605
  15. Translational and Rotational Maneuvers of an Underactuated Space Robot using Prismatic Actuators, halaman 607-618

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