Anda belum login :: 24 Nov 2024 00:45 WIB
BukuTorreyanic acid: Affinity chromatographic identification of receptors and biochemical analysis of the torreyanic acid-eIF-4A complex
Author: Justman, Craig Jerome ; Schreiber, Stuart L. (Advisor)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 0-599-77652-8    
Penerbit: Harvard University Press     Tahun Terbit: 2000    
Jenis: Theses - Dissertation
Fulltext: 9972343.pdf (0.0B; 0 download)
Affinity chromatography was used to identify binding proteins for two natural products: brefeldin A and torreyanic acid. Evidence is presented that brefeldin A binds to two proteins not related to its classic biological activity in protein secretion: crm1/xpoI and L-type calcium channel α 2-subunit. The possible consequences of these interactions are disscussed. Several proteins are identified based on specific binding to a torreyanic acid affinity reagent. The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A (eIF-4A) was identified as a probable effector molecule of torreyanic acid action. (eIF-4A) is an RNA-dependent helicase from the DEAD box protein family. It is required for cap-dependent and cap-independent translation. Evidence for a covalent torreyanic acid-eIF-4A adduct is presented. Biochemical analysis of torreyanic acid-eIF-4A complex was performed in vitro and in vivo. Torreyanic acid was shown to inhibit the ATPase, ATP-binding and RNA-binding activities of eIF-4A. A consequence of this interaction is that under specific conditions, torreyanic acid both inhibits and stimulates translation in vivo and in vitro. A model for this dualism is presented. Torreyanic acid is the first identified endogenous ligand for eIF-4A and small molecule effector or translation initiation. Torreyanamide, the bis-diethylamide of torreyanic acid, was synthesized. It has the same biological profile as torreyanic acid, but is more potent.
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