Anda belum login :: 13 Mar 2025 10:10 WIB
BukuDescribing mother-toddler interactions in homeless families
Author: Ray, Sharon Anita ; Tickle-Degnen, Linda (Advisor)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 0-599-70255-9    
Penerbit: Boston University     Tahun Terbit: 2000    
Jenis: Theses - Dissertation
Fulltext: 9965657.pdf (0.0B; 0 download)
The interactions that occur between mother and toddlers provide one mechanism for supporting toddlers in the acquisition of daily life skills such as self feeding and play. These interactions can be described along both socioemotional dimensions, which create a positive emotional environment for exploration, and task-related dimensions, with a focus on supporting the execution of specific tasks. The interactions between mothers and toddlers living in shelters may be vulnerable to the condition of being homeless, and this may be one factor accounting for the finding that children living in transitional housing for the homeless are at risk for developmental delays. However, there has been little research examining this possibility. This exploratory study was designed to examine the interactions between sheltered mothers and toddlers in relation to two variables: maternal perception of stress and the type of activity that the dyad engages in. Videotaped interactions of 5 mother-toddler pairs living in transitional shelters were examined along task-related and socioemotional dimensions while the dyads engaged in free play, block play, slide play, and eating a snack. The interactions were described using the Parent-Toddler Coding System and the Rating Scales of Dyadic Interaction that were developed by the author Composite variables representing mother and toddler socioemotional and task-related dimensions of interactions were formed using principal components analyses. The correlations were then averaged to produce averaged correlations of maternal socioemotional and task-related variables with child socioemotional and task-related variables. The interactions were examined at different levels of maternal reported stress and in each activity condition using correlational analyses. High socioemotional engagement was noted between parent and child in all reported stress conditions and in all activity conditions with an average correlation of r = .51. Analyses also suggested that under conditions of higher maternal stress, the engagement becomes more focused on interactions that support the child's participation in tasks. Parent-child interactions were also sensitive to the type of activity presented. The associations between child task-related variables with maternal socioemotional and task-related variables were moderately high in the familiar activity conditions of slide play and snack (averaged r = .32). In the free play and block play test conditions, which were novelty to the dyads, the associations between maternal variables and child task-related variables were lower (averaged r = .13). The results suggest that, in this sample, mother-toddler socioemotional engagement remained moderately high during child-focused activity in all test conditions. The level of engagement associated with supporting the child in toddler-focused activity was sensitive to conditions such as the level of maternal reported stress and the degree of novelty of the task.
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