Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:22 WIB
BukuLong-term manufacturing buyer-seller relationships: Structural and organizational relationship antecedent factors
Author: Burt, David N. (Advisor); Steffel, Ronald V.
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 0-599-65280-2    
Penerbit: NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY     Tahun Terbit: 2000    
Jenis: Theses - Dissertation
Fulltext: 9961434.pdf (0.0B; 1 download)
Corporations increasingly expect suppliers to be partners in meeting joint goals and the creation of economic value. Previous research has examined these relationships in the context of structural and social bonding, but the key to value creation is the relationship between the buyers and sellers of industrial goods in both a structural and organizational relationship context. Despite their obvious importance, other antecedent factors have not been systematically studied. The purpose of this research is to demonstrate support for a model of long-term, inter-firm commitment, based on structural and organizational relationship antecedent factors from the buyer's perspective. A review of the literature reveals that the essential elements of structural bonding include technology, inter-firm adaptation, and non-retrievable investments. From a relationship management viewpoint, trust and communications are antecedents to the intermediate variable of coordination leading to long-term relationship. Long-term relationship is also dependent upon shared mutual goals. Based on the literature, a global research model of eight hypotheses is proposed. To test the model and hypotheses, purchasing managers in six manufacturing industries (SIC 33-38) were surveyed with 18.3% responding. A Structural Equation Model (SEM) was utilized to estimate the coefficients. An analysis of the reliability and validity of the measures is also included. Based on the data, the validity of the model and support for six of eight research hypotheses was generated. The two determinants of structural bonding, technology, and adaptation are supported as is the relationship of structural bonding to a long-term relationship. Trust and communications, acting through an intermediate variable of coordination, also support long-term relationship. Support for the direct relationship of mutual goals and long-term relationships was not demonstrated. Thus, structural bonding and coordination support the commitment to long-term relationships. A modified model is explored which builds support for trust supported by cooperation as an intermediate variable to mutual goals and communications as a major contributor to long-term relationships with mutual goals and communications as components of cooperation. From the analysis of the results, recommendations are made for further studies to expand the knowledge of the antecedents to long-term relationships between buyers and sellers.
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