Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:21 WIB
BukuSemistable reduction in characteristic zero
Author: Karu, Kalle ; Abramovich, Dan (Advisor)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 0-599-23545-4    
Penerbit: Boston University     Tahun Terbit: 1999    
Jenis: Theses - Dissertation
Fulltext: 9923957.pdf (0.0B; 0 download)
Let f: XB be a family of varieties. We consider the problem of replacing the family f with a new family f:X→B such that all fibers of f are as nice as possible. The correct definition of “as nice as possible” is given in terms of toric geometry, and a morphism f satisfying it is called semistable. The semistable. reduction problem then asks to find a generically finite proper base change B→B and a proper birational morphism X→X×BB such that the induced morphism f:X→B is semistable. Semistable reduction was proved by Kempf, Knudsen, Mumford and Saint-Donat in the case when the base B is a curve, and by de Jong in the case when the relative dimension of f is one. We extend these results by proving semistable. reduction for families of surfaces and three-folds, and a slightly weaker version of semistable. reduction for an arbitrary morphism. As an application of weak semistable, reduction, we show that, assuming the minimal model program in dimension n + 1, one can compactify the moduli space of n-dimensional nonsingular stable varieties with a given Hilbert function by adding a finite number of families of stable (singular) n-folds on the boundary.
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