Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 10:16 WIB
BukuFinancial structure and real behavior of firms in developing economies
Author: Rajbhandary, Anuja ; Chirinko, Robert S. (Advisor)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 0-599-11366-9    
Penerbit: EMORY UNIVERSITY     Tahun Terbit: 1998    
Jenis: Theses - Dissertation
Fulltext: 9912966.pdf (0.0B; 0 download)
The markedly different financial structures of firms in the developing and industrialized countries provide the motivation for this dissertation. What explains the financial structure choice of firms in developing countries? Many theories in Finance have been developed to explain firm financing in industrialized countries. Two prominent models are the static trade-off and pecking order theories. Are these theories consistent with the financing behavior of firms in developing countries? Or do we need a new theory for developing countries? Empirical findings from logit, multinomial logit and artificial regression models indicate that the static trade-off and pecking order theories partly explain financial structure choice of firms in India, Jordan, Korea, Malaysia and Zimbabwe. There are many anomalies that these theories cannot explain and therefore, there is need for a new theory of financial structure. However, institutional features such as availability of policy loans, tax structure, restrictions in equity markets and prevalence of Islamic finance are able to explain some of these anomalies. A comparative analysis shows that similarities and differences in institutional structures are consistent with the financial structure of firms across countries.
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