Anda belum login :: 17 Feb 2025 08:48 WIB
BukuTherapists in distress: An integrative look at burnout, secondary traumatic stress and vicarious traumatization
Author: Pickett, Gail Y. ; Resick, Patricia A. (Advisor)
Topik: Psychotherapy
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 0591937115    
Penerbit: University of Missouri     Tahun Terbit: 1998    
Jenis: Theses - Dissertation
Fulltext: 9839873.pdf (0.0B; 29 download)
Three constructs have been proposed to explain the effects of conducting therapy upon therapists: burnout, secondary traumatic stress and vicarious traumatization. Research within the trauma field has focused on differentiating vicarious trauma from burnout. This study was undertaken to investigate the underlying relationships between the three constructs. An integrative model was proposed that stated vicarious traumatization is the combination of burnout (consisting of Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization and Personal Accomplishment) and secondary traumatic stress. Four hundred questionnaires were distributed to mental health professionals attending a conference on traumatic stress; 94 (23.5%) were returned. The hypothesis that the three factors of burnout are not correlated with secondary traumatic stress was not supported; the bivariate correlation between Emotional Exhaustion and secondary traumatic stress was moderately high $(r=.55).$ Logistic regression was used to test two models predicting job satisfaction, with similar results. Vicarious traumatization and Depersonalization (70.24%) predicted job satisfaction classification nearly as well as the model including Emotional Exhaustion, Personal Accomplishment (transformed) and secondary traumatic stress (72.62%). Multiple regression analyses were used to evaluate the predictive value of several variables, and all of the hypotheses were supported. Distortions in schemas about Others (Experience of Connection) contributed most significantly to the prediction of Depersonalization. Distortions in Self schemas (Experience of Autonomy) accounted for most of the explained variance in predicting Personal Accomplishment. The non-trauma specific variables of Emotional Exhaustion and hours conducting therapy predicted secondary traumatic stress. Finally, Personal Accomplishment (transformed), secondary traumatic stress and Depersonalization contributed most significantly to the prediction of vicarious traumatization. The integrative model was not tested fully because of the high intercorrelations among the variables. This research was successful in demonstrating that, rather than being distinct, burnout, secondary traumatic stress and vicarious traumatization are interrelated in many complex ways.
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