Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:11 WIB
BukuUsing case studies to teach the C programming language to beginning programmers
Author: Hanna, Arthur Daryl ; Carry, L. Ray (Advisor)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 0-591-12748-2    
Penerbit: THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN     Tahun Terbit: 1996    
Jenis: Theses - Dissertation
Fulltext: 9705859.pdf (0.0B; 1 download)
The primary purpose of this descriptive study was to investigate the effects of using the case study method with critical thinking questions to teach the C programming language to beginning programmers. To this end, the author completely redesigned Programming I, a beginning C programming language course, and then taught the course to gather data to explore the efficacy of the new approach. A panel of expert C programmers validated a comprehensive collection of fundamental C programming language concepts. The collection had been used to construct objective questions for two examinations used to measure student learning in Programming I. The expert panelists also validated the content of each examination. The examinations--Examination I and Examination II--were piloted and then modified during the course of this study to ensure their validity, reliability and discriminatory power. Two different groups of beginning programmers were taught to program the C programming language. Group I was taught using the traditional lecture approach. Group II was taught using a collection of case studies with critical thinking questions that was developed for this study. Examination I was administered half way through each course and Examination II was administered at the end of each course to measure the achievement of the students in each group. Group II outscored Group I on both examinations. These results indicated that the case study with critical thinking questions approach may be superior to the traditional lecture method for teaching beginning programmers to program using the C programming language. A protected experiment should be conducted using the case studies and the validated examinations constructed during this study to demonstrate the efficacy of the new approach. Several sections of Programming I students were surveyed to report subjectively about difficulties in learning and then subsequently employing the fundamental C programming language concepts validated by the panel of experts. The author found support for long-standing anecdotal evidence about the most difficult C programming language concepts: pointers, arrays, structures, functions, parameter passing and dynamic memory allocation. Finally, the Group II students surveyed about the case study with critical thinking questions approach reported that not only did they like the approach, but also that they benefitted from it.
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