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ArtikelDownward Wage Rigidity in Italy : Micro-Based Measures and Implications  
Oleh: Devicienti, Francesco ; Maida, Agata ; Sestito, Paolo
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: The Economic Journal (EBSCO) vol. 117 no. 524 (Nov. 2007), page F530-F552.
Topik: Wages; wage rigidity; labour reallocation
Fulltext: F530.pdf (203.3KB)
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Isi artikelUsing the 1985 – 99 WHIP data, we find a sizable amount of downward wage rigidity in Italy, with a prevalence of real over nominal rigidity. The results hold when real rigidity is identified either with reference to collective bargaining dispositions or to price inflation. Consistently with the labour market reforms of the early 1990 s, downward rigidities have become less important over time, with the reduction in real rigidities more than offsetting the rise in nominal rigidities. We also find that downward wage rigidities are positively related to labour reallocation and local unemployment rates, hinting at the macroeconomic relevance of our estimates.
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