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JurnalLanguage Learning: A Journal of Research in Language Studies (Full Text) vol. 27 no. 2 (Dec. 1977)
Topik: Linguistics; Language Learning
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0023-8333    Year:: 1977    Bulan: 12    
Penerbit: The University Michigan Press
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Language Learning: A Journal of Research in Language Studies (Full Text)]
  • Perpustakaan PKBB
    • Nomor Panggil: 405/LLE/27
    • Non-tandon: tidak ada
    • Tandon: 1
 Lihat Detail Induk
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Affective Factors and Language Exposure in Second Language Learning, halaman 225-242
  2. Intensive Second Language Study: Effects on Attitudes, Motivation and French Achievement, halaman 243-262
  3. Does Practice Make Perfect?: A Study of Interaction Patterns and L2 Competence, halaman 263-278
  4. The Use of English and French Cloze Tests in a Bilingual Education Program Evaluation: Validity and Error Analysis, halaman 279-314
  5. Markedness and the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis, halaman 315-330
  6. The Influence of the Listener on Code-Switching., halaman 331-340
  7. Phonological Encoding of Chinese Ideographs in Short-Term Memory, halaman 341-352
  8. Empirical Investigations of Indirectly Conveyed Meaning: Assertion Versus Presupposition in First and Second Language Acquisition., halaman 353-370
  9. French L2 Learners: What They're Talking About, halaman 371-382
  10. Implicational Patterns in Interlanguage Syntax Variation., halaman 383-412

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