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JurnalAids Education and Prevention: An Interdisciplinary Journal vol. 09 no. 05 (Oct. 1997)
Topik: A94; Aids; Pendidikan; Pencegahan; Strategi Meniru (Coping); Psikometrik; Perempuan
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0899-9546    Year:: 1997    Bulan: 10    Edisi: Oktober 1997    
Penerbit: Guilford Press
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Aids Education and Prevention: An Interdisciplinary Journal]
  • Perpustakaan PKPM
    • Nomor Panggil: A94
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Gay youth and their precautionary sexual behaviors: the Sydney men and sexual health study, halaman 395-410
  2. Condom use by Dutch men with commercial heterosexual contacts: determinants and considerations, halaman 411-423
  3. Attitudes, norms, self-efficacy, and stage of change among out-of-treatment female crack cocaine users: a pilot study, halaman 424-441
  4. Psychosocial antecedents of needle/syringe disinfection by drug users: a theory-based prospective analysis, halaman 442-459
  5. AIDS knowledge and risk perception of cocaine and crack users in a national household survey, halaman 460-471
  6. AIDS and condoms in Brasilia: a telephone survey, halaman 472-484

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