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ArtikelAccreditation Actions: Joint Commission Survey Process and Standard Revisions  
Oleh: Gingerich, Barbara Stover
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Home Health Care Management & Practice vol. 15 no. 4 (Jun. 2003), page 348-349.
Topik: self-assessment; corrective action plan; visions; pathways; survey; process
Fulltext: 348HHC154.pdf (40.33KB)
Isi artikelThe Joint Commission of Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JCAHO) announced a new process for organizations at the 18-month point in their 3- year accreditation cycle. This new initiative, termed Shared Visions: New Pathways, looks at the accreditation process as a partnership between the health care providers and the Joint Commission. This new approach is anticipated to spread the cost and work of accreditation over the 3-year period rather then to have the intensity of costs and activities occurring at the time of the triennial survey.
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