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JurnalJournal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering vol. 125 no. 3 (Aug. 2003)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 1087-1357    Year:: 2003    Bulan: 8    
Penerbit: ASME
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering]
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: JJ93.4
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. A Model-Based Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Methodology for Free-Form Surface Machining Process, halaman 397-404
  2. Modeling Chip-Evacuation Forces in Drilling for Various Flute Geometries, halaman 405-415
  3. An Improved Time Domain Simulation for Dynamic Milling at Small Radial Immersions, halaman 416-422
  4. Robust Machining Force Control With Process Compensation, halaman 423-430
  5. CBN-TiN Composite Coating Using A Novel Combinatorial Method Structure and Performance in Metal Cutting, halaman 431-435
  6. Close-Loop Cost Equation for Objects Manufactured by Milling, halaman 436-448
  7. A Real-Time Predictor-Corrector Interpolator for CNC Machining, halaman 449-460
  8. A Shape Error Metric for Sheet Metal Forming and Its Application to Springback, halaman 468-475
  9. A Computational Mechanics Model for The Brim Forming Process in Paperboard Container Manufacturing, halaman 476-483
  10. Tribological Issues in The Tube Hydroforming Process Selection of Lubricant for Robust Process Conditions for an Automotive Structural Frame Part, halaman 484-492
  11. Extraction of Three-Dimensional Parameters for Weld Pool Surface in Pulsed GTAW With Wire Filler, halaman 493-503
  12. The Effect of Lamps Radius on Thermal Stresses for Rapid Thermal Processing System, halaman 504-511
  13. High Precision Microscale Bending by Pulsed and CW Lasers, halaman 512-518
  14. Fracture Mechanism of Laser Cutting With Controlled Fracture, halaman 519-528
  15. On The Critical Plunger Speed and Three-Dimensional Effects in High- Pressure Die Casting Injection Chambers, halaman 529-537
  16. Simulation of Particle Migration of Powder-Resin System in Injection Molding, halaman 538-547
  17. Gate Effectiveness in Controlling Resin Advance in Liquid Composite Molding Processes, halaman 548-555
  18. Investigation of Layer Thickness and Surface Roughness in Rapid Freeze Prototyping, halaman 556-563
  19. Design of A Slot-Coater-Based Layered-Composites Manufacturing System, halaman 564-576
  20. Metal Embedded Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors in Layered Manufacturing, halaman 577-585
  21. A Volumetric Difference-Based Adaptive Slicing and Deposition Method for Layered Manufacturing, halaman 586-594
  22. Effect of Mechanical Alignment System on Assembly Accuracy, halaman 595-608
  23. Analysis of The Influence of Fixture Locator Errors on The Compliance of Work Part Features to Geometric Tolerance Specifications, halaman 609-616
  24. 3D Double-Vision Inspection Based on Structured Light, halaman 617-623
  25. Surface Profile Analysis for Conformable Interfaces, halaman 624-627
  26. Deposition of Diamond in Copper by Triboadhesion, halaman 628-630

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