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JurnalJournal of Marriage and the Family vol. 26 no. 01 (Feb. 1964)
Topik: J43; Remaja; Perkawinan; Keluarga; Perawatan Anak; Perilaku Seksual
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0022-2445    Year:: 1964    Bulan: 02    Edisi: Februari 1964    
Penerbit: The National Council on Family Relations
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Journal of Marriage and the Family]
  • Perpustakaan PKPM
    • Nomor Panggil: J43
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. The AMERICAN FAMILY AND TIME, halaman 6-9
  2. AMERICAN FAMILIES AND NCFR - SINCE 1938, halaman 10-19
  4. DEVELOPMENTAL TASKS OF THE NCFR - 1963-1988, halaman 29-38
  5. The Crisis and Challenge of Low-Income Families in the 1960's: Implications for Parent Education, halaman 39-43
  6. Characteristics of Adolescents from Unbroken, Broken, and Reconstituted Families, halaman 44-51
  7. The Quality of postparental life: definitions of the situation, halaman 52-59
  8. Perceptions of self and spouse: some contaminating factors., halaman 60-64
  9. Conjoint therapy in marriage counseling., halaman 65-71
  10. Family therapy in the home., halaman 72-76
  11. The Neurotic equilibrium in married couples applying for group psychotherapy., halaman 77-82
  12. Marriage counseling and the federal divorce law in australia, halaman 83-86
  13. The Effects of Married High-School Students On Their Unmarried Classmates, halaman 87-88
  14. Family Background and Deviance or Conformity to School Expectations, halaman 89-90
  15. A Descriptive study of thirty-five unmarried graduate women, halaman 91-94
  16. The role of the school in family-life education, halaman 99-101
  17. Family-Life education versus reality, halaman 102-103
  18. Identifying potential colflict areas in high-school dating, halaman 103-106
  19. New materials for classroom use, halaman 106-107
  20. Recreation and family stress: an essay in institutional conflicts, halaman 95
  21. Residential patterns of aged persons prior to institutionalization, halaman 96
  22. Teacher exchange, halaman 99

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