Anda belum login :: 13 Mar 2025 10:05 WIB
ArtikelThe Silent Killers of Strategy Implementation and Learning  
Oleh: Eisenstat, Russell A. ; Beer, Michael
Jenis: Article from Bulletin/Magazine - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Sloan: Management Review vol. 41 no. 4 (2000), page 29-40.
Topik: LEARNING; silent killer; strategy; implementation; learning
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Isi artikelExecutives are often baffled when they can't seem to implement perfectly sound strategies. The root causes, according to a Harvard Business School professor and a senior organizational fellow at McKinsey & Co., are six deep-seated barriers to strategy implementation and organizational learning : the silent killers. The first barrier is a top - down or laissez - faire senior management style. Without transforming that barrier into a capability (a leadership style that embraces the paradox of top - down direction and upward influence), none of the other barriers can be turned into capabilities either. The five others are : unclear strategy and conflicting priorities ; an ineffective senior team ; poor vertical communication ; poor coordination across functions, businesses or borders ; and inadequate down - the - line leadership skills and development.
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