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Are Women Being Counseled about Estrogen Replacement Therapy?
Gallagher, Teresa C.
Geling, Olga
FitzGibbons, Jennifer
Aforismo, John
Comite, Florence
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Medical Care Research and Review vol. 57 no. 2 (Dec. 2000)
page 72-92.
a woman’s demographic characteristics
stage of menopause
Isi artikel
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force and several medical professional associations have published guidelines recommending that all women be counseled around the time of menopause about the benefits and risks of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) so that they may make an informed decision about its use. Despite the proliferation of ERT counseling guidelines, little is known about whether these guidelines are being followed. There were 1,500 female members (aged 40 to 69) of a Northeastern U.S. Independent Practice Association–model Health Maintenance Organization who were surveyed, and 51 percent reported that a health care provider had talked with them about the benefits and risks of ERT. In multivariate analyses, a woman’s demographic characteristics (age, race, income), stage of menopause, severity of menopausal symptoms, and body weight were the major correlates of receipt of ERT counseling.Women at greater risk for osteoporosis or heart disease were no more likely to be counseled, although those with diagnosed osteoporosis were. What appear to be selective ERT counseling practices will need to be modified if the goal of providing universalERTcounseling to midlife women is to be attained.
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