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ArtikelThe (-1) Cosserat Eigenfunctions for Spherical Geometry with Application to Poroelasticity  
Oleh: Kucher, V. A. ; Markenscoff, X. ; Paukshto, M.V.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids vol. 9 no. 4 (Aug. 2004), page 399-410.
Topik: eigenfunctions; poroelasticity; Cosserat spectrum
Fulltext: 399MMS94.pdf (226.41KB)
Isi artikelThe bases of the Cosserat eigenfunctions for the (-1) subspace are obtained for the inner and outer boundary value problems of traction for a sphere. The method is useful for the solution of poroelastic problems of general pressure dependence p(r, 0) in the presence of a spherical cavity as well as thermoelastic problems due to non-harmonic heat sources. An example of application to poroelastic solid containing a spherical cavity under radially dependent pore pressure is presented.
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