Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 10:21 WIB
ArtikelInteraction between a Screw Dislocation and a Three-Phase Circular Inhomogeneity with Imperfect Interface  
Oleh: Sudak, L.J.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids vol. 8 no. 2 (Apr. 2003), page 171–188.
Topik: Anti-plane shear; dislocation; imperfect interface; inclusion
Fulltext: 171MMS82.pdf (560.62KB)
Isi artikelAnalytical expressions are obtained for the elastic stress fields due to the presence an exterior screw dislocation interacting with a three-phase circular inhomogeneity. In addition, the force on the dislocation is also derived. The bonding at the inhomogeneity–interphase interface is considered to be imperfect with the assumption that the interface imperfections are constant. On the remaining boundary, that being the interphase–matrix interface, the bonding is assumed to be perfect. The equilibrium position of the dislocation is discussed in detail for various imperfect interface conditions, interphase layer thicknesses and material property combinations. The results demonstrate that the relative thickness of the interphase layer, the influence of the imperfect bonding condition and the material property combinations are manifested by their effects on the equilibrium position and subsequent stability of the dislocation.
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