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ArtikelThe US Government And Accreditation  
Oleh: Eaton, Judith S.
Jenis: Article from Bulletin/Magazine
Dalam koleksi: International Higher Education ( no. 48 (2007), page 12.
Topik: The US Government
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: II50
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Isi artikelUs accreditation is usually a below-the-radar and even non for federal policymakers in Washington, DC. These levers allowing the federal government to force change in higher education. For the past 55 years, government has turned to nongovernmental accrediting organizations as reliable authorities on the quality of higher education institutions and programs. As part of sustaining this relationship, the federal government has set standards or requirements by which it reviews and approves the accreditors on which it relies a process called “recognition.” Institutions and programs must maintain accreditation from these federally recognized organizations to be eligible for some $1oo billion annually in federal funding for student grants and loans, research, and other program funds. Federal criteria imposed on accrediting organizations ultimately become requirements for institutions.
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