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ArtikelPemantauan Penggunaan Lahan Wilayah Pembangunan Bandung Tengah Kabupaten Dati II Bandung Tahun 1994-1997  
Oleh: Rijono, Yon ; Susanto ; Hidayat
Jenis: Article from Bulletin/Magazine
Dalam koleksi: Warta Lapan vol. 2 no. 2 (Apr. 2000), page 53-60.
Topik: pengendalian pembangunan wilayah Bandung Tengah
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: WW20.2
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Isi artikelIn order to complete the tool for controlling the district development, the lay out of region plan (RTRW) in district area of Bandung for the year of 1998-2007 has been constructed. In RTRW of Bandung, the district of Bandung separated in 3 developing area (WP) as western of Bandung WP, central of Bandung WP and southern of Bandung WP. This paper focused in central of Bandung WP.According to RTRW of Bandung, there are four type of land use as wet area food plantation, (TPLB), dry area food plantation (TPLK), annual plantation/agroforestry (TT) and settlement (P). Three gradation of landuse uniformity levelization as extremely uniforms (SI), uniform enough (S2) and marginal uniform (S3) are also used in the RTRW of Bandung.The Landsat-TM image data on June 18, 1994 and March 26, 1997 is used as a basic monitoring or evaluation of land use central Bandung WP. The determining data processing method can also be used to monitor the developing land use and its uniformity to RTRW of Bandung. In this case, can be pointed that according to RTRW of Bandung the border area between district of Bandung and sub district of Cileunyi, Bojongsoang and Dayeuhkolot should be used as the area of water infiltration buffer. But, the processed data of Landsat-TM of 1994-1997 show that the area is a flooded area that has reach of about 83,3 Ha. The landuse in Bandung based on the RTRW, area suitable for TPLB and TPLK, and the processing data of Landsat-TM also give similar result.
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