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JurnalJournal of Heat Transfer vol. 123 no. 1 (Feb. 2001)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0022-1481    Year:: 2001    Bulan: 2    
Penerbit: ASME
Jenis: Bulletin/Magazine
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Journal of Heat Transfer]
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: JJ90.4
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Sensitivity Analysis for Nonlinear Heat Conduction, halaman 1-10
  2. Thermal Contact Resistance Modeling of Non-Flat, Roughened Surface With Non-Metallic Coatings, halaman 11-23
  3. Estimation of Thermophysical Properties by The Spectral Method-Development and Evaluation, halaman 24-30
  4. Modified Hazen-Dupuit-Darcy Model for Forced Convection of A Fluid With Temperature-Dependent Viscosity, halaman 31-38
  5. Heat Transfer in A Radially Rotating Four-Pass Serpentine Channel With Staggered Half-V Rib Turbulators, halaman 39-50
  6. Experimental Study of Heat Convection From Stationary and Oscill Circular Cylinder in Cross Flow, halaman 51-62
  7. A Transient Formulation of Newton’s Cooling Law for Spherical Bodies, halaman 63-64
  8. Hypersonic Flow Heat Transfer Prediction Using Single Equation Turbulence Models, halaman 65-69
  9. Practical Experience With The Discrete Green’s Function Approach Convective Heat Transfer, halaman 70-76
  10. Numerical Study of Three-Dimensional Oscillatory Natural Convection Low Prandtl Number in Rectangular Enclosures, halaman 77-83
  11. Visualization and Prediction of Natural Convection of Water Near Its Density Maximum in A Tall Rectangular Enclosure at High Rayleigh Numbers, halaman 84-95
  12. Marangoni Instability in A Finite Container-Transition Between Short Long Wavelengths Modes, halaman 96-104
  13. A Scattering-Mediated Acoustic Mismatch Model for The Prediction of Thermal Boundary Resistance, halaman 105-112
  14. Experimental Investigations of Radially Rotating Miniature High-Temperature Heat Pipes, halaman 113-119
  15. The Effect of Working Fluid Inventory on The Performance of Revolving Helically Grooved Heat Pipes, halaman 120-129
  16. Sub-Continuum Simulations of Heat Conduction in Silicon-on-Insulator Transistors, halaman 130-137
  17. Photo-Acoustic Measurement of Thermal Conductivity of Thin Films and Bulk Materials, halaman 138-144
  18. Heat Transfer Regimes and Hysteresis in Porous Media Convection, halaman 145-156
  19. The Effect of Magnetic Field on Local Heat Transfer Coefficient in Fluidized Beds With Immersed Heating Surface, halaman 157-161
  20. An Experimental Study of Heat Transfer of A Porous Channel Subjected to Oscillating Flow, halaman 162-170
  21. Transient Elastic Thermal Stress Development During Laser Scribing of Ceramics, halaman 171-177
  22. Experimental Investigation of Heat Dispersionm Due to Impregnation of Viscous Fluids in Heated Fibrous Porous During Composites Processing, halaman 178-187

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