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ArtikelRancang Bangun Alat Penyiang dengan Penggerak Traktor Tangan untuk Tanaman Kapas  
Oleh: Soebandit ; Ahmad, Ary Mustofa ; Djoyowasito, Gunomo ; Sahid, Darmono Mochamad
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional
Dalam koleksi: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Teknik (Engineering) vol. 11 no. 1 (Apr. 1999), page 59-72.
Topik: Hand-Tractor; Cotton Plants
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: JJ106
    • Non-tandon: 2 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Isi artikelPowers needed to clean the weeds through human and animal abors are so high, respect velv (40-50) HOK Ha-’ and about 44,2 Hr/’~’. The use of pre-growth herbicide needs a lot of money, so it will increase cost of production. A hand-tractor can be modified by adding a Sweep Cultivator in order to control the seeds. This research was focused on the weeding performance units intalled on the hand-tractor of an iron-buffalo type. Factors sed in the research are the depth of 2,5 cms, 7,5 cms, ractor distance-cover¬age. 2) fuel consumption, 6) percentage of p-rooted weeds in each area, 7) weeds condition preceeding eeding process, and 8) characteristics of weeds. They were incused using charac tensticed-curve rntraparametres. The resuitsof the research is that the occurs load for each depth is different, number of the load for the depth of 2,5 crns, 5 cms, 7.5 ems. and 10 cms are 181,577 N, 905,932 N, 954,303 N, 975,801 N, respectively. Fuel consumptions have differences for each worked-depth namely 4,04 ml/min for the depth of 10 cms. Weeding periodicity was considered from the rate of weed growth after 1 (one) weeding. For worked-depth of 2,5; 5; 7,5; and 10 cms. Weeding it was weeding periodicity 1 week; 2 week; 3 week respectivebc for one depth of 7,5 and 10 cms. Working capasities for each depth 6,68 Hr/Ha; 7.37 Hr/Ha; 7,41 Hr/Ha; 7,43 Hr/Ha, respectively; and the fuel consumption for weeding processes in I (one) Ha are 2,617 It/Ha; 2,82 It/Ha 2,96 it/Ha and 3,023 ltlHa. Weedingpols with the type sweep cultivator still has shortcut in terms standardization of worked depth hence the actual depth work hole to approaches theoritical depth or the depth corresponding with the installed on the tools.
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