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The 'Stability' of Identification of Underachieving Readers over different measures of intellegence and reading
Dobbins, D. Alan
Tafa, Eufimia
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
British Journal of Educational Psychology vol. 61 no. 02 (Jun. 1991)
page 155.
Underachieving Readers
"stability of identification"
Isi artikel
This study assessed the stability of identification of severe underachieving readers as a function of the tests used in the process of identification. The recognition of "stability of identification" over a number of test would provide evidence to support the notion of severe underachieving readers being a "naturally occurring" group rather than being an artefact of the tests chosen to so identify. Three hundred boys and 278 girls, between the ages of 9 and 11 years, were given tests of non-verbal intellegence and reading. The regression approach, with chronological age and non-verbal intellegence as the predictors variables, was used to calculate 16 residual distributions. Multiple comparisons of the lowest 50 places over each paired combination of the 16 residual distributions offered qualified support for the notion that severe underachieving readers are indeed a "naturally occuring" group, rather than being test specific.
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